I need some advice....I'm kinda freaking out right now and I know some of you will say that I am just over reacting, But until you know exactly how I feel and what I have been through, Please keep that part to yourself. With that being said....I was just on face book and saw that someone that I haven't seen or heard from in almost 18 years wants to add me as a friend.
I am just wondering if I should ignore him, Because he is not someone I really want to let back into my life, Or I should except the friend request just in case the son we had together tries to find us?
What do you think I should do?
Be nice.
There is absolutely no harm in adding anyone as a friend on facebook. If they bug you you can unfriend them. If you don't want to see their updates, right click and hide them. Make sure there is no info in your profile you wouldn't want him to know (email, home addy and phone #). It's really not a big deal. I've got dozens of fb "friends" I never want to see in person again.
I vote no.
Did you put him on the birth ceritificate? Do you WANT Jake to know him? Those are the questions you should be thinking about...if yes, then yes, If no, then no. You certainly don't need be be in touch w/ him for your own sake cuz U got the life now ;) But do talk to Kara about the adoption registry--maybe you can just send him a message and ask him to register there.
Hey James, I did talk to Kara and she was very helpful. As for- Did I add him to the BC, I really can't remember. As for the other questions....It's not really up to me if I want him to know Chris. He is part of him and I would think that if I was in his shoes I would want to know both of my birth parents. It just came as a huge shock that's all. Kara and I exchanged about 20 messages.
Sam says no. Not that my opinion matters. I just wouldn't want to open any kind of door to people I don't want in my life. I'm sure nothing bad would happen, but I would rather keep closed doors closed. As for Jake, that is a separate issue, with technology these days, If someone wants to get a hold of you, they'll find a way. And that's my two cents.
Love ya
I also vote no. Like Sam said, these days, if this guy found you, then Jake will be able to find you.
Even if you never see this person again, adding them on Facebook gives, in my opinion, a sense of legitimacy to whatever relationship existed in the past. You know? So, I wouldn't.
Like with my ex-wife, should she request it, I wouldn't add her as a friend, even though we parted on pretty good terms. I saw her last fall, and things were totally fine, but still, no facebook for her.
It's gotta be a shock, for sure. Just know that we love you very much!
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