Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Catchin up.......

We have been pretty busy around here with work, Doctors, Family and just about everything else. So I am here to try and update for ya'll!

Gabe is watching a movie on our way to Livingston for Addie's baptism.

You can tell that Sammy was happy to see us.

Here I am with my very cute Dad in the kitchen of the church before Addie's baptism.

Matt and Jamie.......I can't remember if this was before or after the baptism. Aren't they so cute?

OK, Blogger just crapped out on me so I can't upload more pictures. : (

We had a great time in Livingston with most of the Fam.

This past week we had even more fun. Matthew is now an official Police officer for the Helena Police department. We went to the family party the night before his Graduation because Darrin and I had to work on Friday and couldn't be there. Friday night we had our annual Montana cousin Christmas party and white elephant gift exchange. It was a lot of fun. My mom got all the big girls matching Jammie's. Then on Saturday morning Jared and I went back over to the Posties and made breakfast then made candy trains with the rest of the cousins. It was so much fun. I wish I could post more pictures.

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AuntieM said...

So I hope that you had a great b-day.. We thought of you a ton on Sat. Just to darn busy to get to the phone. Hugs and I love your guts. Even the item in the bucket.Merry Christmas Hugs.

Harry said...

cool hat Gabe