Here are some of the messages Chris and I have sent back and forth. This is why I asked the questions in my last two posts.
Laura Post Lehman January 10 at 1:29pm
Just wondering why you would add me as a friend? I haven't seen or herd from you in almost 18 years......or is that why?
Chris Graham January 10 at 4:49pm
It has been a long time. I was on face book for only a couple of months. I'm not a computer kinda guy. So my communication skills are not the best and I haven't had Internet about 4 months of the 6 I been on face book. It has not been 18 years. I met your husband awhile back when you guys were here. I would have been in contact. But Joe had to go down a bad path and I lost contact with every one. Joe wanted to party and I had a family so we kinda parted ways then I heard he was in prison. So I did months of research to find him. He got out, I saw him one time. Haven't seen him since. I thought we were friends I just thought we had lost contact. The last 10 years have been pretty hard on me. Found a brain tumor in my head then bill died and I cant find Joe and I lost contact with you and Lisa. It would be nice to find out info on our son but that's not the reason I was adding you. You can add me if you want but I would like to talk to Lisa too. It would be nice to talk to you again, Well I have to run, Taking the kids to see the new movie "Avatar". Talk to you later.
Laura Post Lehman January 10 at 4:59pm
OK then...14 years and I was only married to the loser for 2 years. I don't remember seeing or even talking to you the short time we were there. Sorry to hear about Bill. As far as I know...Joe is still in or back in jail. I'm just a little blown away with all of this, I'm not real sure how to feel. I only have a few pictures of Jake and they are from when he was 2 1/2 months old. If you would like me to send you copies just give me your e-mail.
Chris Graham January 10 at 10:59pm
I would love some copy's of the pictures you have of him. I still have a couple of him when he was a new born. Lisa was holding him in one pictures and the other was the one of him sleeping in the crib. You can add me if you want. I don't have a printer and I don't know how to get the pics off the computer and put them in frames lol. So how are you? Do you have kids? Well I have to get the kids showered and in bed. Talk to you later and have a good night.
Chris Graham January 10 at 11:05pm
I'm sorry I didn't add this a minute ago. How are my "nephews" Cody and Tyler? I have not seen them for many years now and how is Lisa doing? Can you pass my number to her. Thanks again
Laura Post Lehman January 11 at 6:47pm
If you don't know how to get them off the computer and you want me to send you copies you will have to wait till I can get some made. I would also like copies of the ones you have just in case I don't have them. I don't remember seeing the one with Lisa holding him. I am great. I am married and very happy. We will have our 13Th anniversary in July. I have two boys. Gabe is 15 and Jared is 8. What about you?
Chris Graham January 12 at 3:26am
About me, I have been with the same woman for 15 years, We are finally getting married in April. We have three boys. Daymeon is 14 years old and will be 15 in February. Airamis is 10 years old and will be 11 in April and Christian who is 8 years old and will be 9 in Sept. I also have two boys that we adopted that are now 22 and 24. We adopted them when they were 7 and 9. And a grandchild who just turned one. His father is the 22 year old named Nick. The 24 year old is Gerard. It is amazing to watch them grow. We are happy, life is good, kinda hard living with a brain tumor but I have to live with the cards that god has dealt me. I miss Joe, The way we use to be. I feel like a bad "Uncle" to Cody and Tyler because I don't even know where they are. The one time I got to see Joe when he got out ( the first time) He looked good, Was going to school, He was getting ready to get off probation. Haven't hear from him again. I have been looking for Lisa for a few years now. I am really excited to have found her and you on Face book. You can see the pictures on face book of my family, that is another reason I want to add you as a friend so you can see them. Daymeon, Airamis and Christian go to boy scouts at the Kenyon ward. Actually we have been slowly getting involved with that ward/ church. Everyone has been really nice. The Bishop is the one who is going to perform our ceremony in April. It is funny how life comes around in the same circles without even trying. I would like you to send them on the computer and in the mail. Just in case something goes wrong with my printer. I will be more than happy to do the same for you. Just let me know. Mandy is going to help me send them on the computer if that is what you want, she is more experienced in that kind of stuff. If you want you can add her too. Anyway I hope you have a nice day. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Laura Post Lehman January 12 at 7:39pm
I have to say that I am impressed. You seem to be doing pretty well for yourself. What church are you going to? If you want me to find Joe...I have connections. I would love to have the pictures of Jake. My friend sent me to an adoption web site and I registered the both of us just in case he tries to find us. I hope that's OK. Congrats on the wedding. After 15 years.....It's about damn
Chris Graham January 12 at 11:58pm
THANK you for signing me up with you . I would love to get in touch with Joe. Me and him were like twins in a weird way. lol We complemented each other. When not partying, We brought the best out in each other. We were funny guys, made every one laugh. I'm still cracking every one up, I'm still funny, At least that's what they tell me. As for the church, Its the one you and your family went to by the park. I finally got the chance to kick the crap out of mark, my moms ex husband, I tried to accept him in my life and he disrespected my kids and I called him out and he bucked up and I took care of business and he ran out of my yard and haven't heard from him since. He had it coming!!! I pray a lot for every one. I have to run, poor christian woke up with a bad dream. I have to cuddle with him and get him back to sleep . talk to you later
Laura Post Lehman January 13 at 8:36pm
So did you get baptized? Man I miss that building. I LOVED the ward we were in growing up. So whats up with the tumor? Is it life threatening? I am so glad to hear that someone kicked the crap out of Mark. He was/is such an A-hole! So how do you feel about the adoption website? Hope your son feels better, Bad dreams suck.
Chris Graham January 14 at 9:47pm
We did not get baptized yet. Once we are married we probably will. Now the tumor that's a whole nother beast. I have a pituitary abdanoma or some thing like that, I still cant spell even with a associate in BM lol. It causes me to have seizures, gain weight and sleep very crazy hours. Some times I sleep 3 hours a night for weeks and some times I lose 3 or 4 days. I had a 7 pound tumor on my hip about 6 years ago it was removed. They told me it was in my muscles and I would have to have help walking again . I walked out of the hospital... showed them. I'm their guinea pig right now. I gained 180 pounds in 6 months crazy huh. The adoption web site sounds like a cool idea. I would love to see him I think about him all the time. I have even got him b- day cards every year to give him when I see him . Do I sound like a nut? It's hard to talk about this in text or typing like this lol . Some times I feel like I cheated him out of the love I have for him and then I have to tell my self that it was a good thing that we did to give him a better life at the time. I wonder if hes going to be mad that we did or happy to see us and all the new brothers and sisters he has. I don't know really what to think so I put it in gods hands and he will take care of what happens and helps things along at that time. I guess he will give me the words to say at the time it happens. We were kids and scared. Since I got the heath problems its made me think about a lot of things and its made me a better husband (almost married) and a father (daddy) I have a place for him in my heart and I'm sure you do too. Its hard to talk about this stuff you know? I'm a big softy now days.
Laura Post Lehman January 16 at 5:12pm
Sorry, I'm not ignoring you...Just really busy. Got the bank party to go to tonight. Talk to you later.
Chris Graham January 17 at 2:51am
Laura Post Lehman January 18 at 6:53pm
So, who is the Bishop?( My Mom wanted to know.) Why did you start going there? What made you think of "My Church"? I am very impressed with the changes you have made in your life. I think its great. I want you to know that there hasn't been a day go by that I haven't thought about him. It broke my heart when I had to leave him with Andy and just walk away. You think getting him a birthday card every year is bad....I make him a birthday cake! I tried getting him birthday cards...I would send them to Andy's office and then I found out that his parents stopped calling to see if there was anything there, So I stopped sending them. I miss him like crazy! My boys always ask about him. I don't know how this will make you feel....But in one of the pictures I got from his parents I can see that he looks just like you. Dammit! I have given birth to 3 children and not one of them looks like me! Sucks. LOL. Anyway. I really hope things are going well. Talk to you later.
that's so cool.
ps: jared looks pretty much exactly like you. (there's a little Darrin mixed in, but he has always looked like you)
Thanks James. Love you.
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